Converters are utilities that transform one thing to another. You know, the thing that turns electricity in a socket into phone-charging power. Different kinds of converters and each has its own specific role to perform. We have other converters that help us cook, listen to music or even drive the car. In this episode, we will learn about one such special type of converter i.e., VLF Converter.
The VLF converter is a one-off device designed to convert radio waves (that's the invisible signals we use to listen music, or talk on the phone) into another type of signal. The signal they discovered, which is not in operation today, was called very low frequency (VLF). The thing about VLF signals is that they can go much farther than ordinary radio waves. This makes them very useful for communicating with submarines that are deep below of the ocean and regular signals which cannot reach!
It was really hard to communicate with others way across And devices that were far from us, prior to the invention of VLF Converters. Think about how you would communicate with a person in any country on the other side of the world without using means like telephone or computers! Today, using VLF converters means that we can transmit signals even further than before. That is we can talk to people in places that used to be out of our reach. Such an advancement is especially significant for ocean scientists. And now, there are cool machines they can use to talk with the other living in world undersea – all those creatures that call this wondrous ocean home!
VLF converters facilitate us in not only communicating with distant places but also amalgamating varying technologies. For instance, have you ever tried to plug your computer into the TV and discovered that the cable was too short? VLF converters are a way to beam signals through the air, rather than along cables. That means we can connect all kinds of different devices without having to run long cables. Especially, useful for the people who are working from home or learning from homes. Now it easier for them to connect their devices as they can do need not mess up with the cables.
Consequently, you probably are wondering what the hell VLF converters has to do with any of this, now that you know a bit about them. To put it simply, VLF converters are the things that enable us to send signals long distances and connect lots of different hardware together. They are not good just for communication technology and they also play a major role in developing our knowledge about the world we live. The power of VLF converters allows us to communicate across vast distances and you can continue learning about our planet while discovering something new from life on earth.