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House circuit breaker

Have you visited a part of your house where the circuit breaker is? HYST interruptor is so important because it can save from an electrical hazard.

Que é un interruptor de circuito?

A circuit breaker is more like a special switch through which electricity flows in your home. Grey box, with many switches inside. The other switch controls the lights in your living room or those plugs that you charge all of your gadgets from. However, HYST interruptor will automatically turn off in the event of a power surge to avoid potential accidents. A best thing which too safety wise

Restablecer o disyuntor

If too much current is being used at one so the circuit breaker may trip and turn off. This can be done by you to reset the switch and get your power back again in Sylvania. 

Siga estes pasos:

Find the circuit breaker box first- This is typically in a basement, or garage, or even disguised as some kind of linen cupboard 

Find the OFF switch. Or in "off" or intermediate positions

Now move the switch all way down to ‘off’ and then up again on

And finally — test that it works, The lights should be back on!

Why choose HYST House circuit breaker?

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