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variable for frequency

We want to use information that we can research for ourselves so when it comes time, all the necessary data is already at our disposal. Frequency analysis offers a method for analyzing this data efficiently. That is, the frequency in which something happens or occurs. Variables are used to help us get a better understanding of this data.

Variables are the different things that can change and we think they might impact how often something happens. They might be all factors which affect the likelihood of an event or occurance happening. As an example, let us suppose we are interested in observing whenever it rains at a certain city. This could be determined by looking at what month it is, the city location and weather for each season. We can look at those variables and make educated assumptions around when it could rain the most.

    How to Identify and Measure Variables in Frequency Data

    If we are interested in a particular event, then we want to ask what variables affect that event If we are learning on how often people get sick, for example- this is what base variables should look like: age based, gender-based and job-related. Important factors such as these can significantly determine the amount of times that people become ill.

    We can describe and predict the patters we observe using variables. For example, if we want to know how often students grade well, the variables would be; their study time (WHEN), class frequency attendance(WHAT TIME) and participation in educational activities. This will enable us to understand why some students get high marks and others do not.

    Why choose HYST variable for frequency?

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