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drive ta 'frekwenza aġġustabbli

Adjustable Frequency Drive, Ever heard of that? It may sound complex, but it is very simple! So, let us look in more detail what is it and why isit important for saving energyand making machines work better.

The use of adjustable frequency drives (AFD) is a special means by which the speed at which any given motor operates. You may be asking, “Who in the world would like to control the speed of a motor? Ask me that how the motor can save some energy and get it work more functional. This is optimizing energy saving! By doing this, we will help the environment and also save money.

    The benefits of adjusting your motor's frequency

    You can get a motor to run just so needed for the task it is doing that, when you set up how fast (or slow) it runs. It wastes a lot of energy, which is bad for the planet and our pocket book - such as when an electric motor runs too quickly A motor that runs too fast may also wear out rapidly and die. On the other hand, a motor that runs too slow can also limp work along; this is not good. Nevertheless, if the motor is running too slow or fast at certain point in time for your application you can adjust this when necessary since it is simply a matter of changing just frequency only. That balance is really key to keep everything working smoothly.

    Why choose HYST adjustable frequency drive?

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