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мініатюрний автоматичний вимикач

Mini circuit breakers are a kind of special switches, which has an extremely crucial part designed for protecting the electrical wires in home. They simply protect your house against what is known as electrical overloads. Overload is caused when you use to much electricity in a wire If too much electricity is forced through wires they can become very hot and even catch fire! This is where miniature circuit breakers(MCBs) comes into the picture. When they sense overloading, the power is turned off automatically This will keep you safe and this way no harm done to your house, as well.

    How Miniature Circuit Breakers Keep Electrical Systems from Overloading

    Now, what is the working of mini circuit breakers? They are meant to prevent the electricity in a wire when there is excess. The mini circuit breaker contains a component called spring-loaded switch. This switch is very smart! When too much electricity is passing through the circuit, it knows. And when it finds such an issue, it immediately shuts down the power supply. You just need to re-set the mini circuit breaker once you have rectified it. This allows the flow of electricity, which ensures that everything runs as it should.

    Why choose HYST miniature circuit breaker?

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